The seven day song cycle Two: Sheila em = By Tony Smith Sheila, eyes yellowed from grief, looked into mine, glassy with shame "I love you", she said "I love you, you know." Her uncle squatting propped against the tree beside her smiled his
By Vanessa Hearman A lot doing on the fringe By Vannessa Hearman Photo by Bronwen Beechey MELBOURNE — The Fringe Arts Festival opened here on September 7 and runs until September 28. Fringe started in 1982, intended as a huge forum for
By Bernie Brian WOLLONGONG — Wollongong Out of Workers Union (WOWU) convener Nick Southall believes that after 10 years of consistently high unemployment, a renewed spirit of anger is emerging in the community. WOWU was formed in 1982, when
By Peter Annear BONN — Die Grünen — the German Green Party — aim to establish a "red-green" government following the next all-German elections in 1994, according to party national spokesperson Ludger Volmer, who has proposed seeking a
Kim Shipton Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are traumatic eating disorders experienced by alarming numbers of adolescents and young adults. Eating disorders are sometimes caused by the fear and shock of sexual abuse — a method of escape from
By Steve Painter SYDNEY — In a dry run for a federal Liberal government's approach to industrial relations, the Greiner government has prepared the most sweeping attack on union rights in recent Australian history. The 333-page NSW Industrial
By Dick Nichols SYDNEY — The long-running campaign by the Australian Chamber of Manufactures to turn the dispute at the Vista Paper Products plant in outer Sydney into a precedent-setting smashing of working conditions is beginning to run out of
Forced labour While people are being transmigrated to East Timor, several hundred young East Timorese workers have been brought to Java with promises of training and good jobs, but found themselves working in factories under appalling conditions.
By Rohan Gaiswinkler and Teresa Dowding HOBART — The first meeting for action to preserve the Tarkine took place here on September 9. Located in the rugged north west of Tasmania, the Tarkine encompasses several national estate areas
Young Marriage An amendment to the federal Marriages Act of 1961, which has just come into effect, has raised the age at which young women can marry from 16 to 18. This makes the law for women the same as for men. Between the ages of 16 and 18,
UTS students protest By Carolyn Minchin SYDNEY — About 300 students at Sydney's University of Technology stormed and occupied the vice-chancellor's office on September 9 to protest against the allocation of $2 million of university funds for a
By Norm Dixon The Republic of Bougainville was accepted as a new members of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) at its recent meeting in The Hague. The decision represents a small but important precedent in Bougainville's
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