European Union (EU)

Putin and Trump shake hands against backdrop of European map

The Trump-Putin pact has plunged the European capitalist class’ post-war project into deep crisis — that of building an ultra-liberal European Union as US imperialism’s privileged ally and NATO’s European pillar, argues Daniel Tanuro.


Europe must not become a clone of the United States, argues Belgian socialist Peter Mertens. Instead, it must dare to chart a new course.

Funeral procession - screenshot

Members of the European Parliament are calling for a stronger stance against Turkey’s ongoing attacks on North East Syria, reports Medya News.

Protesters with a banner

The signing of the world’s biggest free trade agreement between the European Union and Southern Common Market — after 25 years of stalled negotiations — has grave implications for the environment and human rights, reports Ben Radford.

Arms race

Stop Wapenhandel and The Transnational Institute co-produced an important dossier in November that details the enormous funds the West is spending on a new arms race, reports Pip Hinman.

Major multinational corporations such as Shell and BP have made much of cutting ties with Russia. The publicity value has been significant, but it has a hollow ring to it, argues William Briggs.


Anti-tank guided missile

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has delivered many political presents to forces supporting the status quo of the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, reports Dick Nichols.

Protesting the war in Maastricht on Feb 26

At first glance, nearly all parties and think tanks in Europe that lie to the left of social democracy seemed united in their response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, writes Dick Nichols.

North Macedonia is being bullied by its neighbours, which are demanding it give up its national identity and history in exchange for European Union membership, writes Marija Petrovska.

The free trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur will benefit EU multinationals, but poses serious disadvantages for industries in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, writes Veronica Ocvirk.

Climate activists Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, Anuna de Wever and Adélaïde Charlier have initiated an open letter to European Union and global leaders, calling on them to deliver on their promises, writes Susan Price.

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed longstanding divisions in the European Union, with clashes over how to fund the response and solidarity in short supply, writes Duroyan Fertl.