ices of Dissent By Andrea Sharam The market commodifies not only art but also artists. However, there are times of greater or lesser tension between the artist and the process of cooption. During the 1960s and 1970s forms such as performance
By John Hallam The US nuclear power industry is dead in the water. However, there are ambitious plans to revive it, and there has been talk, however muted, of new reactor orders. There are moves to revamp the whole US regulatory framework to allow
US bombs targeted at Korea By Tracy Sorensen SYDNEY — 1>North Korean Workers' Party representative Kim Yong Sun, visiting Australia at the invitation of the Socialist Party of Australia, told a meeting on November 7 that the Australian
By Steve Painter While nuclear energy accounts for an increasing amount of power generation in Europe — up from 2% to 35% in the past 20 years just in the European Community — the industry continues to be plagued by serious problems. Bulgaria
Bombs away Having been forced to abandon its Crow Valley bombing range in the Philippines, the United States is now considering Australia or Thailand as likely sites for a new range. Crow Valley was attached to Clark air base, extensively damaged
More Turkish raids on Kurds By Steve Painter According to the London-based Kurdistan Information Centre, about 40 Turkish bombers attacked Kurdish villages in northern Iraq towards the end of October with weapons including napalm, phosphorous bombs
The depression we didn't need sinks deeper Comment by Alan Parker Keating, Kerin, Hewson, Howard and the econocrats in the Treasury and the Industry Commission got it wrong. The so-called "healthy dose" of shallow recession they said we had to have
By Irina Glushchenko MOSCOW — A significant breach has been opened in the liberal-bureaucratic monopoly of the Russian press. While the main daily newspapers still trumpet the virtues of the "free market" with a brazenness that would make Rupert
Horror! "An Australian National Audit Office study of the administration of the work test for unemployment benefit between 1989 and 1990 has found Commonwealth Employment Service officers believed finding unemployed people a job was their main task,
By Michael Tardif Political opposition in Indonesia today is largely led by university students. In contrast with the 1970s generation, student activists today have a strong orientation of solidarity with other sectors of society, primarily peasants
By Mark Lack SYDNEY — Many youth refuges across New South Wales are facing closure due to inadequate funding from the state Department of Community Services (DCS). While some refuges may reduce hours of operation in an attempt to reduce costs, the
By Pip Hinman MELBOURNE — One hundred and seventeen people took part in a day-long discussion on political and material solidarity with the Cuban people sponsored by the Australia Cuba Friendship Society on November 2. Trade union, Latin American