Amnesty International

Gwenael Velge argues that allowing for antisemitism to be conflated with anti-Zionism undermines foundational principles and the role of universities.

Amnesty end genocide

Amnesty International’s new report, which identifies a “pattern of conduct” by Israel that indicates genocidal intent in Gaza, has predictably been met with a wall of denial by the Israeli government and its United States ally, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Protests against Israel’s war on Gaza took place across Australia for the 61st week as Amnesty International issued a report stating that Israel intended to commit genocide. 

About 300 people rallied outside Parliament House to demand Labor repeals the controversial anti-protest law changes. Paul Petit reports.

Whistleblower David McBride and John Shipton, father of jailed journalist Julian Assange, called for his immediate release from Britain’s Belmarsh prison. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Amnesty International has presented a petition with almost 400,000 signatures to the United States Consulate calling on the US government to drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, reports Jim McIlroy.

Bahraini refugee Hakeem Al-Araibi has been held in detention in Thailand since November 27, facing the terrifying prospect of deportation to the country where he was tortured.

“Israel is carrying out a murderous assault against protesting Palestinians, with its armed forces killing and maiming demonstrators who pose no imminent threat to them,” Amnesty International said on April 27 as thousands of Palestinians taking part in Great March of Return rallies in Gaza faced Israeli bullets for the fifth week in a row.

Over those weeks, Amnesty said, “the Israeli military has killed 35 Palestinians and injured more than 5500 others — some with what appear to be deliberately inflicted life-changing injuries”.

The federal government has awarded a lucrative contract running refugee facilities on Nauru to a Queensland-based engineering firm, despite the company having no experience in providing refugee services.

Canstruct International Pty Ltd has won the $8 million contract to run “garrison and welfare services” from November 1.

The move has been slammed by human rights groups.

Amnesty International accused Canstruct of taking up a “toxic contract” that profits from the abuse of asylum seekers.

A new Amnesty International report Treasure I$land: How companies are profiting from Australia’s abuse of refugees on Nauru, has warned companies considering taking over Australia’s offshore detention centres when Broadspectrum’s contract expires in October that they would be participating in a deliberately abusive regime and would be complicit in “torture”.

Amnesty International Western Sydney University students hosted a forum at the Parramatta campus on March 15. Speakers included James Arvanitakis, Debra Keenahan, Luce De Buitleir Andrews and Sev Ozdowski. Keenahan spoke about how refugees had become “dehumanised” since former PM John Howard said: “We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come”.
This interview with Amnesty International's Australian refugee coordinator Graham Thom, was broadcast on Radio 3CR in Melbourne on March 4. * * * Amnesty International has put out a media release criticising the Australian government's draconian laws against refugees. Why did you do that?