Data privacy, digital rights, gambling reform and more on the Green Left Show with Lizzie O'Shea and Suzanne James.
The scandal of electronic eavesdropping on 65 leaders of the Catalan independence movement by Spanish state intelligence shows signs of becoming a long-running soap opera. Dick Nichols reports.
A New Yorker investigation has exposed that between 2018‒20, at least 65 leading figures in the Catalan government and independence movement had their mobile phones bugged, reports Dick Nichols.
A US$1.2 billion contract between Google, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Israeli government provides cloud services for the Israeli apartheid state to spy on Palestinians, reports Ramzy Baroud.
Kavita Krishnan reports on disturbing proposals by figures in Narendra Modi's government to subject women to greater state surveillance for their "protection".
Whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed back in 2013 the breadth and scale of the United States government’s internet surveillance program. Ernst Merkenich argues that it is only increasing.
Fear Nuttin Band blend Jamaican yardie culture with American hardcore punk in the hybrid genre of “yardcore”. The Massachusetts-based group also throw in plenty of pugilistic politics and sharp satire. Front man Prowla and guitarist Christafari Regan spoke to Green Left's Mat Ward.