Getting the Victorian government back in the game on energy ownership is good policy and appears to have been widely welcomed in the elections, argues Cam Walker.
Victorian state elections
As the cost-of-living and housing crises hit hard, Labor was re-elected in Victoria, despite a 5.8% negative swing which went both to the right and left. The socialist vote was encouraging, reports Jacob Andrewartha.
Labor has done very little to reverse the Kennett-era health and education privatisation spree, the consequences of which have led to a overloaded health system and a crisis-ridden education system. Arie Huybregts reports.
As corporations increase prices and cause inflation, nearly everyone is feeling the pinch. Socialist Alliance is contesting the Victorian elections to help win pro-people changes by giving voice to grassroots campaigns.
Socialist Alliance candidates Sue Bolton and Sarah Hathway join us for the latest Green Left Show to discuss the political situation in the lead up to the Victorian elections.
Socialist Alliance candidates say the cost of living and housing affordability crises is “a crisis of capitalism”. Sue Bull reports.
Socialist Alliance’s “deep reach” in the north west of Melbourne was reflected at the launch of its election campaign. Chloe DS reports.
The Victorian government is dragging its feet on making public transport accessible to people with disabilities. Darren Saffin reports.
The federal Treasurer tells us that cost-of-living pressures are only going to get worse before they get better. Angela Carr argues that Labor must abandon its neoliberal approach.
Socialist Alliance candidates running in the Victorian elections say that solutions exist for the cost-of-living pressures. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
Victorian Socialists (VS) held its second members’ conference on July 21, where attendees discussed the next steps for this emergent electoral force, formed a little over a year ago.
Amid the disastrous election result across the country on election night, one small but important spark of hope was the impressive first showing at a federal election by the Victorian Socialists, writes Corey Oakley.
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