internally displaced persons (IDPs)


The situation in Sudan is described as the “biggest humanitarian catastrophe on Earth”, with children dying at a rate of 13 a day in the famine-stricken Zamzam camp for internally displaced persons, reports Pavan Kulkarni.


The number of malnourished children in North East Syria has increased by 150% in the past six months, and poverty rates have increased by 90%, reports Medya News.

The impacts of climate change in the Pacific are compounded by the legacy of colonial occupation and the responses of rich countries to displacement, writes Susan Price.

If you listen to most Western politicians you could be forgiven for thinking that refugees are a pesky annoyance, greedy “economic refugees” from the Third World illegitimately trying to break into this wealthy country. Their now monotonously routine scapegoating of refugees for the pain and insecurity that more and more people feel, even in the richest countries in the world, translates into plain abuse out there in the public.