Multiple statements by current Israeli government politicians reveal the genocidal intent of Zionism with regard to Gaza, writes Rupen Savoulian. What does it say about the governments who consistently and unfailingly supply weapons to the Israeli authorities?
The Holocaust
Jews Against the Occupation rejects Israel’s weaponisation of Jewish suffering to justify its oppression of the Palestinian people saying the message of The Holocaust must be that “Never Again” means anyone.
Suzanne Weiss, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, socialist activist and author, condemned Israel for turning Gaza into a “death camp”.
Andrew Chuter reviews two classic graphic novels: Maus, which tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust; and Berlin, set during the German Weimar Republic prior to World War II.
Barry Healy reviews a recent film about how French villagers saved Jewish children from the Holocaust during World War II.
Mira Hamermesh was only 15 when she defied her Jewish parents in Nazi-Occupied Poland and fled for her life. That she survived is a wonder, and her dramatic account is engrossing and terrifying, writes Barry Healy.
Luke Cooper reports on his visit to Hungary, a European Union member state where democratic freedoms are no longer taken for granted.
If the assassination-plotters and coup-conspirators in the German military had succeeded in their many attempts from 1938 to 1944 to remove Hitler and overthrow the Nazi regime, then entirely different options to years of mass military deaths, civilian slaughter and horrendous concentration camps would have come into play.
Directed by Mick Jackson
Starring Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson & Timothy Spall
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In 1996 the vile “historian” David Irving sued US historian Deborah Lipstadt for libel. She had labelled Irving anti-Semitic because of his persistent claims that the Nazi Holocaust had not occurred.
Irving sued Lipstadt in London because under Britain’s libel laws, the burden of proof would be on her. In other words, Lipstadt would have to prove the Holocaust actually did occur.
Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly asserted that Adolf Hitler had no intention of exterminating Europe's Jews until a Palestinian persuaded him to do it. The Israeli prime minister's attempt to whitewash Hitler and lay the blame for the Holocaust at the door of Palestinians signals a major escalation of his incitement against and demonisation of the people living under his country's military and settler-colonial rule.