By Ian Bolas The day after Kuwait's "liberation", the Australian press ran lurid stories of alleged atrocities committed by Iraqi troops during the occupation. The same papers also ran photos of the aftermath of the slaughter of retreating civilians
Police racism exposed By Leon Harrison PERTH — Police in WA, Queensland and NSW have been severely criticised in a report on violence against young Aborigines. Interviews with youths held in detention revealed 88% claimed to have been
Chamorro connection A former Nicaraguan contra leader accused two government ministers of drug trafficking on April 13. The ex-contra claims that development minister Brooklyn Rivera and fisheries minister Javier Morales have been helping the
Emir's nephew on drug charge The nephew of the emir of Kuwait has been arrested in Cairo on charges of trafficking in heroin. Talal Nasser al Sabah was arrested as he allegedly tried to sell two pounds of heroin to an undercover policeman. The
Agenda for Change: An International Analysis of Industrial Relations in Transition Edited by John Niland and Oliver Clarke Sydney: Allen & Unwin. 1991. Paperback, 208pp. Reviewed by Melanie Sjoberg Using a series of case studies of industrial
By Maurice Sibelle Brisbane Environmental Youth Alliance, after the very successful EYA national conference in Melbourne, has decided to take up the main campaign of the conference, resource security legislation. At its last meeting on Friday,
Land of the free "The average [US] black boy is more likely to go to prison than to university. His life expectancy is falling and he is seven more times as likely to be murdered as a white boy. In parts of the country, a black man between the ages
By Peter Annear PRAGUE — A grim picture of the performance of the Czechoslovak economy during 1990 is painted by the Report of the Federal Statistical Office on Economic and Social Development, released in March. The report says defensively that
Comment by Steve Painter Five individuals have called a national meeting in Sydney on May 18-19 to discuss setting up a national green party. According to a letter accompanying the invitations sent to green electoral groups last week, the
A massive dam planned for China's Yangtze River has been placed on the Ten Year Plan and passed by the Seventh Session of the Thirteenth Conference of the Communist Party. The Three Gorges Dam, which will be the largest ever built, had been the
By Peter Boyle Nobody could accuse the ACTU leadership of strategic genius. They locked themselves into the Labor government's rigged wages system right through the boom of the '80s, systematically opposing any attempt to pursue claims outside the
By Kerry Parnell SYDNEY — The fundamental cause of world environmental destruction, according to environmental activist Georgina Abrahams, is heteropatriarchy. She says that the key to a green future lies in phasing out masculine values on both a
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