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Climate and civil rights activists protested outside the NSW Supreme Court against NSW Police’s attempt to block the Rising Tide People’s Blockade of the world’s largest coal port, reports Isaac Nellist.

A large crowd gathered to hear Indian Marxist intellectual and writer Vijay Prashad speak about his new book, On Cuba: Reflections on 70 Years Revolution and Struggle, co-authored by Noam Chomsky. Rachel Evans reports. 

billboard in Cuba says "My country: Better without the blockade"

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution calling on the United States to end its 62-year blockade of Cuba. Out of the 193 member countries, only Israel and the US voted against the resolution, with Moldova abstaining, reports Ben Radford.

Federal Labor’s decision to place the Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union into administration may become a significant headache for the so-called party of the working class. Sue Bull reports.

Daria Kaleniuk, Alim Aliiev, Tetiana Pechonchyk, Maksym Butkevych, Mariia Berlinska

Maksym Butkevych, a Ukrainian human rights activist and prisoner of war, has been released by Russia in a prisoner exchange after more than two years of captivity, reports Federico Fuentes.

a man's face

An international alliance to defend academic freedom was launched at a global online conference held to honour the work of jailed Russian anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky, reports Federico Fuentes.

striking workers

Workers from the Grand Hyatt, Marriott and Westin hotels in San Francisco are striking for wages, health insurance and retirement benefits, reports Serena Ashmore.


Nicolas Calabrese, coordinator of the Emancipa Popular Education Movement in Brazil spoke to Green Left’s Ben Radford about the struggle for the right to university education in Brazil.

After years of campaigning by housing groups, New South Wales finally adopted reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act, including banning “no-grounds” evictions. Jim McIlroy reports.

Bronwyn Vost, who is active in the Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends, told Pip Hinman why she decided to try and stop Forestry NSW from logging forest on Biripi Country, risking arrest and a large fine.

book cover and seedling

Vandana Shiva and her feminist colleague Maria Mies issued the Leipzig Appeal in 1996 to say, “No to GMOs and No to Patents on Seed”. The call echoes in Shiva’s new book, writes Niko Leka.

petrol station

United States courts have mandated the auction of CITGO Petroleum, US-based Venezuelan state-owned oil refining company, reports Coral Wynter.