Art & poetry

A scene from Blood on the Wattle

Writer/director Geoff Sykes has done a great job of re-imagining Australian rural political conflict into a modern setting with his new play, write Jim McIlroy and Coral Wynter.

The Inner West Disability Pride Fest returns to Newtown, reports Kerry Smith.

Helchild as Dolly and Clive Parmajana

Comic impersonator, poet and activist, Helchild, is back with another riotous show at the 2022 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, writes Darren Saffin.

Deadly Sports Heroes exhibition launch

Well-known Indigenous photojournalist Barbara McGrady's Deadly Sports Heroes photo exhibition was launched in Glebe on March 26, reports Jim McIlroy.

Oscar Wilde’s poetry, life and battle against homophobia featured as part of Sydney Living Museum's Mardi Gras, ‘After Dark’ event, writes Rachel Evans.

Image: Ilya Pakhomov from Pexels

A new poem, written on International Women’s Day. In the middle of the climate crisis. At the brink of another possible world war. By Jepke Goudsmit.

A new exhibition honouring the green bans movement opened in Newcastle on February 25, reports Niko Leka.

Renfrey Clarke expresses the plight of the working class first-home buyer.

Not content with f#%*ing our planet, billionaires are now competing in a self-indulgent race to f#%* space, while thousands die of COVID, writes Helchild.

One small way we can express solidarity with Palestinian artists, writers and musicians is by learning about their work and sharing it with others, writes Markela Panegyres.

For five nights in May, three locations around Warrane (Sydney Cove) will be transformed with images, music and stories of the lives and resistance of Sydney’s Black, queer and grassroots communities, writes Rachel Evans.

The Members Coalition Teams that contested the NSW Public Sector Association election were the surprises of the recent vote, reports Kerry Smith.