Labor’s package to help women escape violence is welcome but not nearly enough. Angela Carr argues that we need to be clear on what drives men to commit violence against women and address that, as well as assisting victim/survivors.
Greens Senator David Shoebridge and anti-war activists spoke out against the global rise in military spending. Jim McIlroy reports.
Stop AUKUS WA organised a peaceful protest outside the West Australian Defence Forum. Riley Breen and Blair Vidak report.
Can we trust the state to decide on what is, or is not, misinformation of disinformation? Binoy Kampmark suggests not.
Nick Riemer and Markela Panegyres argue that universities should insist on science and knowledge serving the cause of peace and human progress, and not fuel the arms race.
In the largest protest for Palestine in a decade, students rallied at the University of Queensland St Lucia campus in solidarity with Palestine. Sam Morris reports.
Engineering students at the University of Queensland are encouraged to apply for internships and work for weapons' manufacturing company Boeing. Aisling Geraghty reports.
Trade Unionists for Palestine hosted a forum which discussed workers’ rights to stand in solidarity with Palestine in their workplaces. Rachel Evans reports.
Teachers and unionists protested showed their support for high school teacher Jason Wong, who is facing disciplinary action for supporting Palestine. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
The Save the Powerhouse group is concerned that NSW Labor is going back on its promise to end the secrecy surrounding this much loved and internationally admired arts and sciences museum. Kerry Smith reports.
The presence of the Basij militia of the Revolutionary Guards and other security agencies has turned Iran's universities into barracks, writes Mohammad Sadeghpour.
Students’ access to university education in India is threatened by the Narendra Modi regime’s National Education Policy (NEP), which was introduced in 2020, reports Isaac Nellist.
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