
While university managements are boasting huge surpluses, they are refusing to make their largely casualised staff permanent and award them pay rises. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Staff and students picketed the University of Sydney in their fourth strike day this year in support of a fair enterprise agreement. Jim McIlroy reports.

The crisis in public education will not be solved by pitting teachers against each other or outsourcing responsibility for graduates' jobs. Mary Merkenich argues for greater funding for smaller classes and more teachers on fair wages.

Driven by greater and greater workloads due to widespread staff shortages, teachers in the underfunded NSW school system are speaking out. Ben Radford reports.

The stresses on students to search for help to maintain their grades has risen under the pandemic and as a result of university cuts. Binoy Kampmark reports on how educational “services” are capitalising.

National Tertiary Education Union members at the University of Sydney are gearing up for a 24-hour strike as part of their push for an improved enterprise agreement. Jim McIlroy reports. 

A community campaign is calling on the state and federal governments to save the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence and its mostly Indigenous employees. Rachel Evans reports.

It is abundantly clear that billionaires run parliament. To take them on, we must build a party and movement capable of improving people’s lives outside the cycle of electoral politics, argues Max Chandler-Mather

Lahiru Weerasekera, a student leader and key actor in the people’s movement, discusses the new forms of struggle in the mass protests in Sri Lanka.

Zhou En Lai and Che Guevara

Cuba and China have recently agreed to expand and strengthen relations, reports Ian Ellis-Jones.

Students deserve better

Teachers demanded better pay and conditions at state-wide rally, describing their workload as "beyond unsustainable", reports Niko Leka.

Public and private school teachers took strike action across NSW for better pay and conditions and for an end to the cost–cutting mess in schools. Peter Boyle reports.