Palestine solidarity activists blockaded major arms manufacturing companies across Canada, reinforcing growing calls for an immediate embargo on the country's arms sales to Israel, reports Jeff Shantz.
Far right
Moscow-based poet, translator, and activist Kirill Medvedev, of the Russian Socialist Movement (RSD), spoke with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes regarding the significance of opposition leader Alexei Navalny death in prison and the recent jailing of anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky.
Amid Israel’s ongoing military assault on Gaza, Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva declared on February 18 that Israel was carrying out “a genocide”. This drew condemnation from Israel and its far-right allies in Brazil, but also support from the left, reports Federico Fuentes.
Yorgos Mitralias seeks to answer how it came about that the vast majority of Israeli citizens support and even applaud the genocidal war on the Palestinian people?
Following a Dutch appeals court ruling to halt the export and transit of all F-35 parts to Israel within seven days, the Netherlands' government is taking the matter to the country’s Supreme Court, reports Binoy Kampmark.
Bill Nevins revews Paul Lynch’s Booker Prize-winning novel, set in a near-future Ireland, where fascists have come to power.
Pakistan’s February 8 general elections resulted in a split vote, with no party securing a clear national majority, writes Farooq Tariq, offering little hope for positive change, as the incoming government is poised to fast-track neoliberal policies, privatise state institutions and deepen class exploitation.
Lenni Brenner's edited volume, 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis is important reading today in the context of the United States-backed Israeli genocidal war in Gaza, writes Barry Sheppard.
Claudio Katz discusses right-wing President Javier Milei’s strategy, the emerging resistance against it and likely scenarios going forward.
Green Left’s Federico Fuentes sat down with Mariana Riscali, a leader of the Socialist Left Movement tendency inside Brazil’s radical left Socialism and Freedom Party.
Maree F Roberts reviews Vincent Bevins' book If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution, which chronicles the 2010's uprisings in Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Ukraine and elsewhere, and asks why these mass protest movements failed to bring about revolutionary change.
In the second part of his interview with Green Left’s Federico Fuentes, Brazilian author and socialist Pedro Fuentes discusses the crisis of imperialist hegemony, the unpredictability of contemporary politics and its impacts on Latin America.
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