One hundred and fifty public housing residents in the Waterloo South estate were just given eviction notices from Homes NSW, but many have vowed to fight back. Kerry Smith reports.
The Western Australian election will be an opportunity to assess the major parties, as well as those offering progressive solutions, writes Cas Smith.
Rochelle Porteous, an indefatigable campaigner, suddenly died earlier this year. Hall Greenland writes about her activism, noting many of her greatest victories came while she was in a minority on Leichhardt Council.
Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents seven recent books on movement building, modern capitalism, evolution, ecology and colonialism.
Socialist Alliance launched its campaign for the seat of Rankin with its key focus for the government to break ties with the genocidal Israeli state, build public housing and climate action. Susan Price reports.
The interest rate cut will bring some relief for borrowers, but it will not significantly ease the cost-of-living crisis. Peter Boyle argues for four measures that will.
The Murdoch-owned Geelong Advertiser described Sarah Hathway as “divisive”, reflecting her track record of standing up against corporate greed, which people expect of their local representative. Angela Carr reports.
Two independent reports refute Victorian Labor’s position that knocking and down and rebuilding 44 public housing towers is the best option to achieve a mix of private, social and affordable housing. Darren Saffin reports.
Socialist Alliance preselected Rachel Evans to contest the seat of Sydney and a state-wide meeting on February 8 preselected Peter Boyle and Andrew Chuter for the NSW Senate. Jim McIlroy reports.
The results of the byelections in the Victorian electorates of Werribee and Prahran suggest disillusion with the major parties is growing. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
Local residents and housing activists gathered outside boarding houses on Selwyn Street, Paddington, to protest the eviction of 32 older men. Andrew Chuter reports.
Thirty-two mainly older boarding house tenants at 58–64 Selwyn Street, Paddington, are facing eviction after several attempts to stop their homes from being demolished seem to have failed. Rachel Evans and Paula Corvalan report.
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