Sue Bolton, Merri-bek Socialist Alliance councillor and Victorian election candidate, is calling for an ‘empty property tax’ to force landlords to stop land banking. Darren Saffin reports.
Just over one year ago, around 1 million out of 1.9 million Berliners voted to expropriate corporate landlords owning 3000 apartments or more, writes Sibylle Kaczorek, affecting around 240,000 properties in the German capital.
One million people voted to expropriate large landlords in Berlin last year, explains Sibylle Kaczorek.
Hundreds of thousands rallied across Britain calling on the government to address the cost of living crisis. Susan Price reports.
The biggest housing crisis Australia has ever experienced is fast becoming a humanitarian disaster. But, as Angela Carr argues, there are solutions.
Solutions to the housing crisis and another on the building the climate movement and defending our right to protest were discussed at Ecosocialism 2022. Jim McIlroy reports.
More than 400,000 Australian women over the age of 55 are either homeless or at risk of homelessness. A new documentary film allows some of them to speak for themselves. Barry Healy reviews.
A new report has found that “overwhelming numbers” are “struggling with high rents and large rent increases, with profound impacts for their health”. Isaac Nellist reports.
Residents are fighting back against to the New South Wales government plans to demolish 749 public homes in Waterloo South. Andrew Chuter reports.
Sarah Hathway and Angela Carr say much more public housing and a freeze on rent is urgently needed to stop a social crisis. Pip Hinman reports.
A crowdfunding campaign has been launched to create a new documentary film covering the 2016 Bendigo Street occupation in inner-city Melbourne, reports Elizabeth Bantas.
Residents and advocates gathered to protest the state government’s proposal to demolish the Wentworth Park Road public housing estate. Isaac Nellist reports.
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