More than 100 people, including public housing tenants, rallied at the Collingwood Estate to oppose the demolition of 44 public housing towers. Jacob Andrewartha reports.
More than 100,000 people mobilised in Rome, Italy on October 10 in defence of social gains under threat from the country's far-right government. Franco Turigliatto analyses the significance of the demonstration.
A successful housing summit bought campaigners together to discuss the problems and canvass solutions. Rachel Evans and Virginia Gawler report.
Greens MP for Griffith and housing spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather addresses the national Housing Justice Summit in Gadi/Sydney.
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union national secretary Zach Smith told the national Housing Justice Summit about the unions campaign for a super profits tax to build housing.
Berlin’s grassroots housing movement Deutsche Wohnen Enteignen (Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen, DWE) launched its new campaign on September 26 for a legally binding referendum to expropriate housing from corporate landlords, reports Ben Radford.
Green Left journalist’s Isaac Nellist and Chloe DS go through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.
The Victorian state Labor government's Housing Statement allows for residential developments valued at more than $50 million to be fast-tracked, proposes the demolition of all public housing towers for public-private development and sells off public land to developers, report Jacob Andrewartha and Jordan AK.
Striking workers, many of whom earn around $25 an hour, are demanding a 6% pay rise or $1.50 an hour as a result of cost-of-living rises. Inghams’ current offer is 3.5%. Nova Sobieralski reports.
A new report by Better Renting found 70% of rental homes are too cold in winter, reports Isaac Nellist.
Green Left journalist’s Isaac Nellist and Chloe DS go through the latest news from across the continent and around the world.
It's probably no surprise that the Intergenerational Report 2023 passed without much comment. It forecasts the need for greater income revenue, and that will fall to a younger generation. Sam Wainwright reports.
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