Middle East

Rank-and-file activists within the National Tertiary Education Union organised a national day of action for Palestine at nine university campuses. Jim McIlroy reports.

As Israel unleashes more bombing terror across Gaza, protesters took to the streets in emergency snap actions across Australia. Pip Hinman reports. 

Protesters with banner

Wave after wave of pro-Palestinian pro-human rights protesters disrupted New Zealand deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters’ state of the nation speech at Christchurch Town Hall on March 23, reports Saige England.

A packed-out screening of No Other Land, which offers an unprecedented opportunity for Palestinian activists to have their voices heard, raised important funds and recruited new activists to the solidarity movement. Cas Smith reports.

Socialist Alliance joins millions of people around the world and Australia in condemning Israel for relaunching its deadly bombing raids on Gaza.

info graphic about Syria's transitional government and constitution

Salih Muslim, a prominent Rojava revolutionary leader and foreign affairs spokesperson of the Presidential Council of the Democratic Union Party, speaks to Green Left’s Peter Boyle about the serious setbacks to building a new Syria.

Israel has broken the ceasefire, launching a massive assault on Gaza and killing more than 400 Palestinians, including at least 100 children. Join snap rallies across the country to oppose the continuation of the genocide. 

We need to keep the issue of settler colonialism here and in Palestine front and centre, argues Michelle Berkon, as Australia and Israel have shared values.

Rojava's defence forces

Peter Boyle reports on the historic agreement struck between the revolutionary forces in northeastern Syria, known as Rojava and Syria's transitional government.

International classical pianist Jayson Gillham, who was cancelled after speaking out for Palestinian journalists during a Melbourne Symphony Orchestra recital, is seeking a public apology and compensation. Paul Gregoire reports.

The Jewish Council of Australia has reiterated its call on politicians to stop exploiting antisemitism, after the Australian Federal Police confirmed that an abandoned caravan found with explosives was part of a “fabricated terrorism plot”. Kerry Smith reports.

Gwenael Velge argues that allowing for antisemitism to be conflated with anti-Zionism undermines foundational principles and the role of universities.