Refugees & migrants

Palestinians fleeing war-ravaged Gaza for safety in Australia were left stranded, but an outcry has forced Labor to reinstate some of the temporary visas, writes A Firenze.

Renfrey Clarke argues that migrants are, unfortunately, the easy-to-blame scapegoats for a system that has lacked the vision and ability to provide affordable housing. 

woman in a taxi with male driver

Jim McIlroy reviews Damage, written and directed by Australian filmmaker Madeleine Blackwell, which is a moving allegory about the destruction caused by war and the increasing alienation suffered by an elderly woman in a capitalist society abandoning those in need.

The appearance of a few asylum seekers on some of the most remote shorelines in Western Australia prompted the customary hysteria from predictable quarters. But, Binoy Kampmark reports, the major parties agree on offshore processing.

Nauru offshore detention

Refugee rights group said 40 people who recently sought asylum in Western Australia should be brought back from offshore detention. Pip Hinman reports. 

Film director Ken Loach on set

Darren Saffin reviews Ken Loach's film The Old Oak, which is set in a dying northern English village following the arrival of Syrian refugee families.

The Refugee Action Collective organised a vigil to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the murder of Iranian Kurdish refugee Reza Barati by guards at the Australian-run detention centre on Manus Island, writes Chris Slee.

protesters, woman's face

Green Left’s Federico Fuentes interviewed Viktoriia Pihul, a council member of Ukrainian democratic socialist organisation Social Movement, regarding the situation in Ukraine two years after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Bob Marley was adored by millions, especially the youth of poor countries such as Morocco. His son should be protested at WOMADelaide for supporting Israel's genocide of Palestinians, writes Sue Bull.

book cover

John Tully reviews Boris Frankel's memoir, which recounts his family's eye-opening experience emigrating from Australia to the Soviet Union in 1956.

book cover, refugees fleeing in 1948

Lenni Brenner's edited volume, 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis is important reading today in the context of the United States-backed Israeli genocidal war in Gaza, writes Barry Sheppard.

While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has so far denied Israel’s plans to occupy Gaza, ministers in own cabinet have joined thousands of colonial settlers in calls to “return” to the Gaza Strip, reports Tanupriya Singh.