Green Left’s Suzanne James talks to Jane Morris, president of Dying With Dignity Victoria, about defending the important right of end-of-life choice through Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) laws now Australia-wide, except in the Northern Territory.
They discuss the October 2024 international Right To Die Societies conference in Dublin, November’s Australia New Zealand VAD conference in Magan-djin/Brisbane and the recent British vote in favour of VAD.
It also covers the 50th Birthday of Dying With Dignity NSW and its first year of the law’s operation, the five-year VAD review in Victoria and the renewed push to restore VAD rights in the Northern Territory.
VAD is restricted worldwide to terminally ill people who have a medically certified diagnosis of imminent death.
Advocates and activists continue to fight to protect the right to medical autonomy and to campaign against those who seek to undo it for political and religious gain.