Liam Flenady, the Socialist Alliance candidate for the seat of South Brisbane, released the statement below on March 21.
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The Socialist Alliance declares its full support for the Sovereign Embassy Brisbane, established by the Murri community in Musgrave Park, South Brisbane, on March 13.
The Sovereign Embassy Brisbane has issued a statement saying: “Our right to sovereignty, possession and occupation and enjoyment of our lands and waters and everything associated with the Original Tribes, is guaranteed under the term tribe. We now instruct the Parliament of Queensland to recognise us as tribes.
“The Sovereign Embassy Brisbane is on a state-wide campaign to acknowledge all tribal nations to treaty with the local Yaggara people and with each other.
“All Original Sovereign Nations who become part of the National Unity Government will be encouraged to challenge, within the domestic courts of the invader society, to seek a declaration by them confirming that our sovereignty cannot be dealt with within their jurisdiction.”
The Socialist Alliance supports the signing of a treaty with the Aboriginal people of Queensland and Australia, and the full recognition of Aboriginal land rights.
Our policy for the Queensland state election says: “Genuine justice for Aboriginal people: For a new royal commission into deaths in custody; Implement the findings of the 1991 commission; Jail those responsible; Full land rights now; Pay ‘stolen wages’ in full.”
Following the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the original Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra last February, the establishment of a Murri Tent Embassy in Musgrave Park is a symbol of defiance against our racist system.
“We urge the people of Brisbane to attend the Gathering Ceremony: Treaty of the Tribes, to be held on election day, Saturday March 24, at 10am, at Musgrave Park, Cordelia Street, South Brisbane.
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