Click here to make a donation online. Keep reading to find out how your financial support will help us, and what you will receive in return.
For 20 years Green Left Weekly has been bringing you the news that the mainstream media won’t. Australia has the most concentrated media ownership in the Western world — and it’s getting worse.
Mining baron and Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, has a growing stake in Channel Ten and now Fairfax, demanding editorial influence. At the same time, 1900 jobs are being axed from the company.
As the 1% increase their hold on corporate media, it’s crucial we broaden the reach of alternative media for the 99%. To further challenge the mainstream media we have launched Green Left TV — an exciting new arm of the GLW media project.
It’s an online channel that can bring coverage of the issues and campaigns you care about, independent of the Rineharts and Murdochs, the Andrew Bolts and Miranda Divines.
Since its tentative beginnings three months ago, Green Left TV’s YouTube channel has already had almost 20,000 views and gained 150 subscribers. The most popular video so far is David Hicks’ first rally appearance since his release from Guantanamo Bay, a moving speech in support of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange.
We’ve had satire from Carlo Sands and others, covered many vibrant rallies helping give voice to the grassroots, promoted radical culture, and also presented international politics from Malaysia to Egypt and Greece. We’ve filmed our first episode of a new panel show, the Green Left Report, which we hope to make a regular feature.
But we need your help to get Green Left TV off the ground. We’re aiming to raise $60,000 by the end of August to help us buy equipment that will help us establish a permanent voice for the 99%. Please consider donating to help Green Left TV and the Green Left media project. Below you can see how your donation can help and in return we want to give our supporters a range of “rewards” for your much appreciated assistance.
How your Green Left TV donation will help
• $1000 or more
Helps Green Left TV: purchase a high definition camera to capture media of the 99%.
You’ll get: One-on-one video training (in Sydney, or via Skype) + an on-air thank you + free T-Shirt of your choice + listing on website as sponsor (optional) + a free drink at all functions at Resistance Centres for rest of 2012 + 25% off all books from Resistance bookshops and for rest of 2012 + three month subscription to Green Left Weekly + Compilation DVD “best of first six months GLTV”.
• $500-$999
Helps Green Left TV: purchase editing equipment to cut together sharp left-wing media.
You’ll get: Group video skills training (in Sydney, or via Skype) + on-air thank you + free T-Shirt of your choice + listing on website as sponsor (optional) + a free drink at all functions at Resistance Centres for rest of 2012 + 25% off all books from Resistance bookshops and for rest of 2012 + three month subscription to Green Left Weekly + Compilation DVD “best of first six months GLTV”.
• $200-499
Helps Green Left TV: purchase a lighting rig to professionalise our operation.
You’ll get: Listing on website as sponsor (optional) + a free drink at all functions at Resistance Centres for rest of 2012 + 25% off all books from Resistance bookshops and for rest of 2012 + three month subscription to Green Left Weekly + Compilation DVD “best of first six months GLTV”.
• $100-$199
Helps Green Left TV: purchase hard drives to store, edit and transfer our footage.
You’ll get: 25% off all books from Resistance bookshops and for rest of 2012 + three month subscription to Green Left Weekly + a compilation DVD “best of first six months GLTV”.
• $50-$99
Helps Green Left TV: purchase better mics for improved sound in our coverage.
You’ll get: a compilation DVD “best of first six months GLTV” + a seven-issue subscription to Green Left Weekly.
• $25-$49
Helps Green Left TV: purchase a Green Left TV banner and other set material for better looking shows
You’ll get: a seven-issue subscription to Green Left Weekly.
• Under $20
Helps Green Left TV: purchase coffee for our volunteer helpers.
You’ll get: a warm glow for helping alternative media.
[Click here to donate to Green Left TV. Or call toll free line (within Australia) on 1800 634 206 or send a cheque to 'Green Left Weekly' to PO Box 394, Broadway NSW, 2007.]
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