150 issues of Green Left Weekly

July 6, 1994

It's been three and a half years since Green Left Weekly hit the streets during the anti-Gulf War protest movement. Our first issue demanded: "Stop the War!". By the third, the war had ended, but GLW didn't stop its coverage of the war's aftermath. At the time, there was widespread criticism of the superficial and misleading coverage by what seemed to be a war-sponsored broadcaster, CNN, and GLW was seized on eagerly by those looking for something different.

Since February 1991, GLW has provided an alternative view of contemporary events. We started with 24 pages, but a couple of years down the track, it had become very obvious that GLW would have to expand. Even so, each week we face difficult choices about how to fit into 28 or 32 pages all the news, information, analysis, debate, cartoons, photographs and letters sent to us.

GLW aims to demystify complex ecological and social issues, without resorting to oversimplifications or trivialities. Equally important, GLW has encouraged many people to do more than simply inform themselves about the state of the world — it has spurred many to get involved in changing it.

Throughout the production and distribution of 150 issues, not a day goes by without readers conveying their appreciation and support for GLW.

Take one morning last week, for example:

  • M. Birch from Tuntable Falls wrote on his subscription renewal form, "Your paper is quite inspirational. Good on you!" Enclosed was a donation.

  • Brandon Astor Jones, our columnist on death row in the United States, who was recently united with his children and some grandchildren he'd never seen, thanked GLW and its editor for making this possible in a letter accompanying his weekly column. "Man you shoulda seen my grand kids. They are magnificent! I don't think I would have seen them without your help."

  • A resident of Bondi, NSW, phoned up and asked how she could help distribute the paper in her area.

We have survived because GLW caters for the political needs of thousands of progressive people Australia-wide who are not satisfied with the establishment media's limited and distorted coverage of local, domestic and world events.

The other main reason for our survival, is because you, our readers, combine your appreciation with practical support. The most significant factor in GLW's ability to grow, both in size and scope, is its activist readership; the paper relies on your commitment to ensure that it is distributed on campuses, in cafes, pubs, markets, railway and bus stations, on the job and elsewhere.

We want your feedback and participation. We want you, our readers and supporters, to get involved in any way you can — write for it, draw or photograph for it and support it financially by donating to the fund appeal.

Our main achievement over the course of our short life has been to consolidate and maintain an 8000-strong circulation base without the enormous financial backing the establishment press relies on.

Scattered through this issue are words of praise for the paper from some well-known political activists, to encourage you to subscribe if you don't do so already. As part of our 150th issue celebrations, we are pleased to be able to offer (see below) a special subscription rate. Subscriptions help us financially and ensure that you don't miss an issue.

GLW is distributed in all capital cities, six regional centres and many small towns across Australia. Our international subscription base is a healthy several hundred and reaches more than 60 countries. Green Left articles are reprinted in publications the world over.

While we are happy with our progress, there is no room for complacency. We know so many aspects of GLW's existence can be improved: the layout, the range of debate, the breadth of distribution, the networking, the fundraising. This is where you can help.

With your support, we are confident we'll see another 150 issues and beyond. In fact, we'll hit the 300th issue in January 1998. It seems such a long time away, and who knows what events will erupt in the meantime. But one thing we do know for sure: GLW will continue to struggle alongside others who want to build a socially just and environmentally sustainable world.

You need Green Left, and we need you!

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You can also call 1800 634 206 to make a donation or to become a supporter. Thank you.