BRISBANE — "Who pays the foreign debt in Latin America" was the topic of a forum held here in August 14, organised by the Chilean group Pablo Neruda Cultural Centre. A highly informative video on the Latin American debt crisis and the ensuing discussion provided an overview of the consequences of the debt in different countries of Latin America and its effects on the population.
- More than 100 people packed into the Resistance Centre here on August 8 for the Green Left Weekly Solidarity Dinner. Rafael Pacheco, representing the El Salvadoran solidarity movement in Brisbane, spoke movingly of the 500 years of oppression and resistance in Latin America. Alfonso Corte-Reale, from the East Timorese community here, called for ongoing support for the struggle of the Timorese people. Both expressed their appreciation of the role of Green Left in helping to convey the truth about their homelands to the public. Around $1700 was raised in cash and pledges for the GLW Fund Drive.
MELBOURNE — Jobs, the environment, a living income, democratisation and extension of the public sector, international cooperation and democracy are the main themes of a rally planned for October 10 by the Mobilisation for Social and Economic Justice. An initiative of the Rainbow Alliance, the mobilisation is a coalition of community groups, unions, left parties and social movements opposing the economic rationalist policies of Australian governments. The electrical trades, Telecom and Victorian public service unions have lent some support to the mobilisation, and organisations backing the project include the Australian Democrats, Campaign Against Poverty and Unemployment, Shelter Victoria, WIRE, CISLAC, Democratic Socialist Party, Friends of the Earth, People for Public Housing and Resistance. "We've already had a good response to publicity", says coordinator Martin Mulligan. The mobilisation needs funds and support. Address: MSEJ, PO Box 122 Niddrie, Vic 3042.
- A tent city protest to highlight the growing numbers of homeless was set up next to Parliament House on August 10. Groups including the Inner Urban Region Housing Council, Prahran Community Housing and La Trobe University Emergency Student Housing Cooperative organised the protest, which was timed to coincide with the state budget.
- Fifty people gathered outside the Melbourne Magistrates Court on August 14 to demonstrate their solidarity with the "Austudy 5" at their initial court appearance. The five were arrested in connection with the first NUS National Day of Action, held on March 26. Bill Deller, vice president of the State Public Services Federation, spoke about the political motivation of the arrests and the harassment they represented. A list of supporters read out included John Pilger, Phil Cleary, Tim Anderson, trade union and student union leaders and many others.
SYDNEY — Paddlers for Peace painted "Ban rainforest timbers" on the hull of a cargo ship in Sydney Harbour in the early hours of August 12. Later, at dawn, protesters from organisations including the Rainforest Action Group and the Wilderness Society marched from Aquarium Wharf to the moored ship, which was carrying timber logged in the rainforests of Sarawak.