Adelaide Action for Palestine: Railway Station Occupation

Actions, protests & rallies
Kaurna Yerta/Adelaide


6:00pm Friday 17 November


On the 28th of October thousands of Jewish protestors occupied Grand Central Station to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, in what was one of the largest acts of mass civil disobedience in recent American history. The incredible scenes that came out of that protest have inspired similar demonstrations all across the world.

Adelaide will be joining the many other cities that have carried similar actions on Friday November 17. We will meet at the Parliament steps before marching to hold a protest inside of the Adelaide Railway Station. We will spread our anti-war message during peak hour traffic to the thousands of commuters that travel through the station.

With the situation worsening in Gaza with every passing hour, it is more important than ever that we organize and protest against Israel's illegal assault on the besieged Gaza strip. Our own Labor government in Australia have shamefully refused to call for a ceasefire or to condemn any of the many war crimes Israel has inflicted upon the Gazan population.

We demand:

Stop the war on Gaza!
End the blockade of food, water, fuel and medical supplies!
Australia to cut ties with Apartheid Israel!
End the Israeli occupation!
Free Palestine!

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