Aircraft noise still big concern

February 14, 1996

By Chris Spindler SYDNEY — Of the 4200 homes officially recognised as affected by aircraft noise none have yet been fully insulated. Approximately a third should have been insulated by now. At the current rate, it would take 10 years to complete all homes earmarked for insulation. Meanwhile, the Liberals' promise to "share the noise around" by reopening the east-west runway backfired when local councils likely to be affected threatened legal and public action. Badgerys Creek residents are also campaigning against the location of the western suburbs airport in their suburb, one of the fastest-growing residential areas. The total relocation of the airport facilities outside the metropolitan area seems to be the only viable solution, according to the Democratic Socialist candidates in the seats of Sydney and Lowe. Both Labor and the Coalition plan to privatise the Federal Airports Corporation, which would only compound the public's lack of control over airport facilities.

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