Australian unions condemn Israel’s assault on Palestine

July 28, 2014
A protester at a rally in solidarity with Palestine held in Sydney on July 26. Photo: Peter Boyle.

These two resolutions were passed on July 25.


Australian Education Union

The Australian Education Union (AEU) Victoria Branch condemns Israel’s latest horrific assault on the people of Palestine, which has resulted in over 750 deaths in the past three weeks – the overwhelming majority of the dead being civilians, and many of them children.

The AEU supports the peaceful community protests called in solidarity with the people of Palestine, to be held on August 1 at 5pm, outside the State Library in Swanston Street, Melbourne.

Victorian Trades Hall Council

The Victorian Trades Hall Council Executive unanimously passed this resolution.

That this meeting of the Victorian Trades Hall Executive:

Condemns Israel’s latest horrific assault on the people of Palestine, which has resulted in over 600 deaths in the past three weeks – the overwhelming majority of the dead being civilians, and many of them children.

We reiterate previous policy supporting a strategy of boycott, divestment, and sanctions against the state of Israel, similar to actions designed to isolate the former apartheid regime of South Africa.

We support the peaceful community protests called in solidarity with the people of Palestine, to be held on August 1 at 5pm, outside the State Library in Swanston Street, Melbourne.

We urge affiliates to support these protests through attendance, publicity, and other means.

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