Militant struggles in isolation may be heroic, but only a struggle that gains support from other organised workers and the general public can win its demands. Over the last week, the establishment media have been doing their utmost to ensure that the wharfies' struggle to defend themselves against attacks from the government, big business and the National Farmers Federation does not get broad public support.
While we've been getting bucket loads of anti-union diatribe from government and business spokespeople, very little has been reported directly from the side of the workers.
A few non-commercial current affairs programs probably believe they are being "balanced" when they give some time to each side of this dispute, but in the overall media coverage, the voice of those fighting to defend their rights to organise, to a good wage and to safe working conditions is being well and truly drowned out.
Even when token coverage is given to the side of justice, it rarely gives a voice to the workers themselves — those on the picket lines on the wharves. Instead, we're presented with the usual line-up of ALP and ACTU officials trying to rebuild their pro-worker profile.
Green Left Weekly is different.
Green Left reports what those at the coalface of the struggle have to say. We don't feel any obligation to interview Peter Reith or the NFF to give "balance" to our reports; our coverage aims to counter the massive imbalance in the establishment press.
One of the roles of Green Left is to build the mass support the wharfies need right now. We will do all we can to help the wharfies succeed, not only because theirs is a struggle for justice, but also because a victory on the wharves will strengthen the union movement and all workers' rights in Australia and around the world.
Victory for the wharfies will be a blow to all governments and corporations which think that trade unions have no fight left, and will give working people a big confidence boost, and the inspiration and courage to fight back against other attacks.
But Green Left Weekly can't play this role without your help. Readers can support the paper in many ways: by sending in information; writing articles, letters and reviews; taking photographs; and drawing cartoons.
One of our needs is for donations to cover the costs of production every week. To help keep the voice of the working people loud and clear, please donate whatever you can to the Green Left Weekly Fighting Fund. Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.