Block the Boat: Port Melbourne: Community Picket

Actions, protests & rallies


7:30pm Tuesday 19 December


Patricks East Swanson Dock
VIC 3011


We are back on, Naarm!!!

Join Unionists for Palestine in a community picket to disrupt Israeli ships in Port Melbourne!

A ZIM ship is scheduled to be present at East Swanson Dock on 19th December. ZIM should be unwelcome in Port Melbourne and every other port where people stand against Israel’s genocide and war crimes. On December 19th we will send this message loud and clear- to ZIM, Israel and the Albanese Government.


The role of ZIM, the Israeli shipping line, in the development of the Israeli war machine has been relentless. It is a major transporter of weapons of mass destruction.
The Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) and a large coalition of all major Palestinian workers unions and professional associations have called on their fellow trade unions and workers worldwide to boycott Israel and businesses that are complicit with its apartheid regime. In an international effort called #BlockTheBoat.
This is an extension to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign called for by the Palestinian civil society in 2004.


Join our community picket and say block the ZIM boat, permanent ceasefire in Gaza now, end the illegal occupation of Palestine and disrupt the Israeli war machine.

Further details to come!

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