Boost for the building fund

August 21, 1996

Green Left received a wonderful boost to the building maintenance fund last week. A $5000 donation pushed the amount collected so far up to $31,000 — that's just $11,000 short of the amount we've been quoted to do the emergency repairs on the building where Green Left Weekly is produced.

Especially in need of work are some rotting window frames and broken panes, a few areas of badly deteriorating brickwork and a (growing!) number of leaks in walls and the roof. This damage, caused by age and the elements, is posing a threat to the equipment and supplies we use to bring you the best independent newspaper in Australia each week.

Of course, not every Green Left supporter can afford to donate $5000. But every little bit helps. The numerous donations to the building fund over the last 12 months, small and large, have got us three-quarters of the way there.

If you value this newspaper and have a bit of cash you can spare at the moment (maybe you just won a scratchy, or received your tax return or can forsake a few beers this week), the ad on page 13 will tell you how you can help keep a roof over Green Left Weekly — it's your paper.

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