On the box

November 13, 1996

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 7pm.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday, Thursday and Friday at 8pm. Phone (03) 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.

Australian Biography: Freda Brown. — At 17, Freda Brown joined the Communist Party. After the war, she joined the New Housewives Association, ultimately becoming president of what became the Union of Australian Women. Instrumental in proposing to the UN that it hold International Women's Year in 1975, she has visited many countries including Vietnam, Cambodia and Algeria. Today, Freda is a dynamic 77-year-old working to organise a forum for a UN Day of the Elderly. SBS, Friday, November 15, 7.30pm.

Vu Quang: Secrets of the Rainforest — It is rare event when a new species of mammal is discovered. Between 1992 and 1994, three new species were discovered in the rainforests of Vu Quang in Vietnam. SBS, Sunday, November 17, 7.30pm.

Thank God I'm a Lesbian — A positive portrayal of a diversity of lesbian women. SBS, Sunday, November 17, 11.25pm.

Born in Soweto — Set the video. A wide variety of Soweto's inhabitants talk about their lives and aspirations. SBS, Monday, November 18, 12.25am.

Movie: Daughter of the Puma (1994) — A young Guatemalan woman and her family are forced to flee to a Mexican refugee camp after a massacre by Guatemalan soldiers. She returns to Guatemala to search for her brother. Based on a novel inspired by Rigoberta Menchu. SBS, Tuesday, November 19, 10.30pm.

Whale Wars — Japan is campaigning to have the commercial whaling ban lifted. This program reveals an orchestrated campaign to restart the bloody whaling. ABC TV, Wednesday, November 20, 1pm.

Billal — The dramatic repercussions of a serious act of racially motivated violence are examined in this documentary filmed over 15 months. ABC TV, Wednesday, November 20, 8.30pm.

Movie Matinee: Dear Sarah (1990) — The story of the Guildford pub bombing frame-up, as seen through the eyes of the mother of one of the accused, Gerry Conlon. SBS, Thursday, November 21, 12.30pm.

The Legacy of Nuremburg — An examination of the political, moral and ethical issues involved in the arguments for amnesty for war crimes in the aftermath of conflicts or the collapse of repressive regimes. Contemporary debates in Bosnia and South Africa are examined. Guests include Desmond Tutu, chair of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. SBS, Thursday, November 21, 8.30pm.

Movie: Au Revoir, Mon Amour (1991) — The tragic story of a Chinese singer and an underground revolutionary during the Japanese occupation of China. From Hong Kong. SBS, Thursday, November 21, 9.30pm.

Blood and Belonging — Germany: The Nation Returns — Nationalism is on the rise in Germany. Leo is a Liepzig skinhead, a neo-Nazi who thinks democracy is "unnatural" for Germans and believes that the genocide of the Jews was a historical fabrication. Rose is a Frankfurt liberal who believes Germany should turn its back on the past and look to a future of "world citizenship". But what of those denied belonging, the Turks and other immigrants who have most to loose from the rebirth of nationalism? ABC TV, Thursday, November 21, 11.05pm.

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