On the box
Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 7pm.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday, Thursday and Friday at 8pm. Phone (03) 9525 3551 to contact the producers or make a donation.
The Suez Crisis — To mark the 40th anniversary of the "Suez Crisis", this two-part documentary traces the events that led to the Western invasion of the Eygpt's Sinai after Cairo's nationalisation of the Suez Canal. The program charts the rise of Egyptian nationalism, the half-hearted efforts for a negotiated settlement, and the secret collusion of Britain, France and Israel culminating in the Israeli invasion on October 29, 1956. ABC TV, Thursday, October 31, and Friday, November 1, 9.30pm.
Great White Shark — A look at the shark in the open ocean which reveals its natural behaviour and dispels some myths about this feared, maligned and endangered animal. ABC TV, Sunday, November 3, 6pm.
ild Sanctuaries — This week's episode explores the Galapagos Islands, off Ecuador. A naturalist's paradise created by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago, the islands are home to giant land tortoises, considered among the oldest living creatures on earth. SBS, Sunday, November 3, 7pm.
Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? — An investigative two-part biography of the man accused of the political crime of the century, which provides a sober and comprehensive sifting of the psychological, political and forensic evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald's role in the assassination of John F Kennedy and of his connections to the governments of the US, Cuba and the former Soviet Union, to Cuban exiles and the Mafia. SBS, Sunday, November 3, 11.15pm.
White Lies — For 40 years the International Defence and Aid Fund in Britain raised funds for anti-apartheid activities in South Africa. To avoid political and physical attacks by apartheid's agents, activists went to remarkable lengths to do their political work clandestinely. SBS, Monday, November 4, 5pm.
The Kevorkian Verdict — In light of recent legislation in the NT legalising euthanasia, this timely report examines the controversial issue of "assisted death", and the role of US pathologist Dr Jack Kevorkian who has assisted in 27 suicides. SBS, Tuesday, November 5, 8.30pm.
The Battle for Byron — The fight between the communities trying to protect their environment and the local council that wants to develop the area for tourism. ABC TV, Thursday, November 7, 9.30pm.