On the box

November 22, 2000

Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9-11pm. Ph 9565 5522.

Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Phone 9633 6976 to contact the producers or make a donation.

Future Tense: Why is the Earth Getting Warmer? — A program that canvasses the debate around global warming. SBS, Friday, November 24, 7.30pm.

Hillbrow Kids — A year in the life of the street children of Johannesburg. SBS, Friday, November 24, 8.30pm.

The Diplomat — Nominated for best documentary and best direction in a documentary at this year's AFI Awards, The Diplomat follows East Timor's Nobel Peace Prize winner Jose Ramos Horta in the tumultuous year that saw Indonesia forced to abandon his country. Directed by Tom Zubrycki. SBS, Sunday, November 26, 8.30pm.

Movie: Black God, White Devil (1964) — Set in the drought-plagued lands of north-east Brazil, revolutionary filmmaker Glauber Rocha's feature centres on Manuel, an impoverished cow herder, who kills his boss and becomes an outlaw. SBS, Sunday, November 26, 10.25pm.

Australia By Numbers: Ceduna 5690 — This episode is about writer April Lawrie-Smith's grandfather and his people's connection with the area around the far-west coast of South Australia and the Nullarbor Plain. SBS, Tuesday, November 28, 7.30pm.

Michael Moore: the Awful Truth — US social satirist Michael Moore continues his crusade against the hypocritical and corrupt in a brand new season of 12 episodes. SBS, Tuesday, November 28, 8pm.

In Search of the African Queen — Every year, 4

million people cross international borders in search of refuge. This investigative documentary examines the harrowing, clandestine journey of 190 Sri Lankan Tamils seeking asylum in North America. SBS, Tuesday, November 28, 8.30pm.

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