On the box

August 2, 1995

@9point = Actively Radical TV — Community television's progressive current affairs program tackles the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Friday, 10.30pm.

@9point = Movie Matinee: Rising to the Bait (1992) — After the reunification of Germany, Ada's house, situated on an island with beautiful views, is coveted by the wealthy of the West, but Ada digs her heels in. SBS, Saturday, August 5, 12.30pm.

@9point = Fish for the Future — Native fish are on the decline in the Murray-Darling River system. This program asks what can be done about it. SBS, Sunday, August 6, 10.30am.

@9point = Mojo Working: Janis Joplin — Joplin single-handedly recast the parameters of women's place in rock. ABC TV, Sunday, August 6, 1.30pm.

@9point = True Stories: Hiroshima — A historical investigation into the reasons for the US decision to drop the A-bomb on Hiroshima. Based on recently released documents and authoritative sources, the military necessity of the bombing is called into question. ABC TV, Sunday, August 6, 8.30pm.

@9point = Movie: Black Rain (1988) — Five years after 15-year-old Yasuko was caught in the "black rain" of the atomic blast of Hiroshima, life goes on. From Japan. SBS, Sunday, August 6, 9.35pm.

@9point = Defenders of the Wild — The battle against poachers in the jungles of Nepal, where some of the world's rarest creatures live — the Asian one-horned rhino, the gharial and the river dolphin. SBS, Monday, August 7, 7.30pm.

@9point = Narmada Diary — The controversial World Bank-funded Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada River in India is threatening the survival of local villagers. SBS, Monday, August 7, 11.25pm.

@9point = Living in the Bunker — The London borough of Greenwich, the scene of four recent hate murders, has been dubbed the "racial murder capital of Britain". Anthropologist and photojournalist Paul Halliday, himself the victim of a racist attack, explores the nature and impact of racist violence. The racist British National Party headquarters — known as the "bunker" — is close by, and BNP candidates have had some success in council elections. The program looks at how the community organised and arranged self-defence against this racist infestation. SBS, Tuesday, August 8, 8.30pm.

@9point = Harry Bridges: A Man and his Union — Documentary about the life of Australian-born communist Harry Bridges, who led the wharfies' union in San Francisco. ABC TV, Tuesday, August 8, 11pm.

@9point = The Death of Apartheid: The Third Force — Second part of the BBC documentary narrated by liberal South African journalist Alister Sparkes. This episode focuses on the "Third Force" within the South African security forces bent on frustrating South Africa's move towards democracy. Also discussed are the Inkatha Freedom Party's links with the National Party, its collaboration with apartheid and evidence of secret state funding and military training by the defence forces. ABC TV, Wednesday, August 9, 9.30pm.

@9point = Half Life — The history and effects of nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands, many of whose inhabitants now suffer from radioactive poisoning. ABC TV, Thursday, August 10, 8.30pm.

@9point = Movie: Raining Stones (1993) — Ken Loach's gritty but humorous film, set on a council estate in north England, about an unemployed man trying to raise enough money to buy his daughter a communion dress. SBS, Thursday, August 10, 9.50pm.

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