On the box

November 10, 2006

Message Stick: A Line in the Sand — The story of the Palm Island community as it prepares for the second anniversary of Mulrunji's death in custody. ABC, Friday, November 17, 6pm.

Science: The Age of Aids — After a quarter of a century of political denial and social stigma, of scientific breakthroughs, policy battles and inadequate prevention campaigns, HIV/AIDS continues to spread rapidly throughout much of the world, particularly in developing nations. SBS, Sunday, November 19, 8.30pm.

The Publisher — Based on a biography of Axel Springer, the conservative German newspaper publisher who became a target of the revolutionary youth of the '60s. SBS, Tuesday, November 21, 1pm.

Cutting Edge: State Of The Union — About 8 million people in the US log on to political blogs or partisan web journals every day, creating virtual communities of like-minded partisans who demonise each other. SBS, Tuesday, November 21, 8.30pm.

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