Brigadistas to visit Venezuela

February 2, 2005

Roberto Jorquera

Solidarity activists from around Australia are preparing for an international solidarity brigade to Venezuela in July-August. The Brigade will include participation in the World Federation of Youth and Students (WFDY) conference planned for August 5-13.

Venezuelan Solidarity Network national co-convenor Fred Fuentes said that "the brigade has gained international support. Solidarity activists in Britain, the United States, Canada and New Zealand have expressed interest in participating. It has also been advertised on Vheadline [<>], a major English language online news service."

The Brigade from Australia will include university students, trade unionists and activists from a wide range of campaigns and political organisations. Brigade participants will be able to visit Bolivarian Circles, various government social missions including Mision Barrio Adentro (inside the neighbourhood), land and factory committees, trade union centres as well as attending the WFDY conference.

The Venezuelan Solidarity Network is planning to use the information collected by the brigade participants to further the campaign in solidarity with the Venezuelan revolution. Participants, who will represent a wide range of cities and campaigns in Australia, will be able to tour after their return to assist in further developing and organising the Venezuelan solidarity campaign.

If you are interested in participating in the brigade or the Venezuela Solidarity Network, email < >.

From Green Left Weekly, February 2, 2005.
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