CANBERRA Three hundred people gathered in Civic on October 11 for a rally against the US drive to war on Iraq. The event was organised by the ACT Network Opposing War. Speakers included ACT Labor MLA John Hargreaves, health researcher Professor Bob Douglas, Gil Anderson of Unions ACT, ACTNOW spokesperson Tanya McConvell and spokespeople from the Uniting Church and the Greens.
Hargreaves told the crowd that it was a Labor government which ended Australia's involvement in Vietnam and that the federal ALP should now oppose Australian involvement in a war on Iraq.
The rally ended on a high with a march around the central business district, participants chanting "1, 2, 3, 4, we don't want your racist war, 5, 6, 7, 8, we will not cooperate". Planned anti-war actions in Canberra include a rally on November 3.
From Green Left Weekly, October 16, 2002.
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