Carlo's Corner: Human Rights Commission's bias towards human rights is just unbelievable

February 27, 2015
Gillian Triggs.

It seems there is no end to the incredible bias facing the poor, beleaguered Tony Abbott government.

If it isn't an ABC journalist daring to ask a government minister a question they don't like, it's the Human Rights Commission releasing a report on the plight of children in immigration detention centres that even the most impartial observer would have to admit shows a distinct and unmistakable bias in favour of respecting human rights.

You only have to look at the report to see how shamefully pro-human rights it is.

It has the sheer gall to state, for instance, the fact that 34% of children in detention have mental health disorders so severe they need psychiatric support.

And also that, in a 15-month period during 2013-14, there were 128 incidents of self-harm and 27 incidents of voluntary starvation involving children.

And it details this shocking abuse of the rights of innocent children from desperate families seeking sanctuary like is it some kind of bad thing! Has the HRC even bothered to consider the pro-child abuse point of view?

But of course, as Liberal Senator Ian Macdonald proved, you don't even have to look at the report to see this. Having spent much of February 24 slagging off HRC president Gillian Triggs for her “biased” report, the Queensland senator then confessed he hadn't even read it.

He didn't need to read the “worthless and irrelevant” report, he said, because it was biased, which is such perfectly circular logic you have to admire it for its symmetry.

Or perhaps Macdonald could just tell it was biased by the way it was typed. Because anything published in a sans serif font just reeks of political partisanship, and we all know that, in 2015, you really need to be using a classic serif font if you want to be considered relevant.

Or maybe he knows it's so worthless because his mate Tony Abbott told him. And, say what you will about our prime minister, you can't accuse him of ever being partisan.

There can be no doubt, however, that the government is right to say the report is blatantly politically partisan in favour of Labor. How could it be otherwise?

After all, it is a report that details the horrific consequences of a policy that was begun by a Labor government, and under Labor there were even more children were suffering the sort of abuse the report condemns than under the Abbott government.

So unless you are one of those freaks who don't like the idea of hundreds of children being driven to acts of self-harm, you surely can't get more “pro-Labor” than that.

Perhaps that is what upsets the government so much. Having clearly decided its policy of jailing and abusing kids is a great vote winner, it is upset people might join the dots and realise Labor were torturing even more kiddies — and sooner — and decide to switch their vote.


In other news, those crazy fanatics of the Islamic State are at it again.

Fresh from burning a Jordanian man alive without the basic common decency to do so via a remotely controlled drone strike like civilised people, now the fundamentalists have released a video showing jihadis smashing ancient artifacts in Iraq.

This is an absolute outrage, because everyone knows that Iraq's ancient culture is the West's to destroy! Like in the illegal US invasion in 2003 that directly resulted in the widespread destruction and looting of invaluable artifacts from the cradle of civilisation!

Iraqi archaeologist Ihsan Fathi told Russia Today that one of the gravest casualties of the US-led war in Iraq was the destruction of the country’s cultural heritage, noting: “35,000 small and large items missing from the National Museum of Iraq … The Iraqi museum, for example, was plundered before their very eyes. The plundering lasted for three days without the occupation forces stepping in at all.”

So hands off our artifacts, barbarians! Or at least have the decency to leave a few for our lot to loot, as we are just about to send 200 more soldiers to Iraq as part of a joint mission with New Zealand.

Sources say our ever keen prime minister, of course, had wanted to send them in sooner, but still, better late than never for a fresh round of Western pillaging.

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