Community picket tells Bisalloy Steel to stop supporting genocide

September 22, 2024
The community picket outside Bisalloy Steel on September 19. Photo: Wollongong Friends of Palestine/Facebook

Bisalloy Steel in Unanderra, a suburb of Wollongong, produces a range of steel products, one of which is reinforced steel for Israel’s tanks, such as those being used in the genocide in Gaza.

On September 19, from 6am to 1.30pm, more than 100 people protested against the company's complicity in Israel’s war crimes. The action was organised by Wollongong Friends of Palestine.

A pleasant surprise awaited us. Instead of facing lines of NSW Police and security guards, we were greeted with the news that Bisalloy Steels had given its workers a paid day off. Another pleasant surprise was the food supplied by Food Not Bombs and others.

We chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever”. A girl, perhaps aged 12, led the chants. She was also one of six people to address the anti-war protesters.


Photo: Wollongong Friends of Palestine/Facebook


Photo: Luke Weyland

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