After months of stalling and weeks of harassment, police this morning have escalated their intimidation of anti-APEC protesters. Following on the success of the student strikes against US President George Bush, which took place around Australia on Wednesday September 5, crowds are already gathering in Sydney. The main rally against war criminals Bush and PM John Howard will take place at Sydney's Town Hall, at 10am. Green Left Weekly's Tony Iltis reports that the police water cannon is already on display, and the gathered activists have had motorcades of riot squad vehicles drive around them, sirens blaring.
Despite this last minute attempt to scare off protesters, various groups and social movements will meet in different locations around Sydney before converging on Town Hall for a 10am start. At 9am a contingent of youth and students is gathering at Belmore Park, while trade unionists will meet at the headquarters of the Maritime Union of Australia, in Sussex Street. A queer contingent is meeting at Town Hall at 9:30am.
The crowd will hear from Iraq war veteran Matt Howard, and Greens senator Kerry Nettle, among others, before marching to Hyde Park North at 11am, via Park St. Other speakers will be heard throughout the march, including an "excluded person" — from the list of people informed they are "banned" from the protest — and Keysar Trad from the Islamic Friendship Association.
Check out the Green Left Weekly website throughout the weekend for updates and photos.