Dita Sari rejects bail offer

January 27, 1999


Dita Sari rejects bail offer

THE INDONESIAN MEDIA announced on December 13 that Indonesian political prisoner Dita Sari had been offered early bail by the Habibie government. Dita, a labour activist and leader of the People's Democratic Party, was sentenced to five years' jail on April 22, 1997 for subversion. Her "crime" was daring to fight alongside Indonesian workers for democracy and justice.

The bail offer, which solidarity activists say was the result of the increasing pressure being exerted on the Habibie government by the worldwide "Free Dita!" campaign, was conditional on Dita agreeing not to engage in political activity until the year 2002.

Dita rejected this condition, and remains in jail. She has called for the campaigning for her and other political prisoners' unconditional release to continue.

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