Thousands of people rallied in Gadigal/Sydney and Naarm/Melbourne on Easter Sunday, in the 25th week of continuous protest actions. Smaller actions were organised in regional cities too.
Very rousing speeches and a big police presence greeted the 1000-2000 people who rallied in Gadigal/Sydney, reports Rachel Evans.
The rally reiterated demands for a permanent ceasefire, an end to the siege of Gaza and no ground invasion of Rafah.
Council of Civil Liberties president Lydia Shelley spoke about the arrests of 18 people a week earlier at the port blockade directed at the Israeli ZIM shipping line.
She called on protesters to support a petition against NSW's draconian anti-protest laws and expressed solidarity with Palestinian campaigners and their allies.

Protest is the only path to victory, she said.
Other speakers included Reem Borrows, Rand Dawish, Assala Sayara and Wiradjuri and Badu Island woman Lynda June Coe.
Greenpeace brought a big banner in support of the protest.
A community Iftar on March 29 outside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's electoral office in Marrickville as part of a permanent peace vigil attracted hundreds of people over several hours.
Ten thousand protesters hit the streets in Naarm/Melbourne on March 31, reports Chloe DS. It called for an end to the colonial occupation, the genocide and for Palestinian liberation.
Speakers included Palestinian activist and community organiser Noura Mansour, Sit-in Intifada founder, Ihab Alazhari, Dana Alshaer from Unimelb for Palestine, Larrakia writer and researcher Eugenia Flynn, Sheik and Imam Saied Altabaa and APAN president Nasser Mashni.
Dana Alshaer from Unimelb for Palestine, who grew up on the West Bank, told the rally why Palestine will “live forever”.
“Since, March 11, 1976,” she said, “Palestinians have been commemorating Land Day, on March 30th of every year, protesting against the ongoing, systematic colonialism and theft of our land”.
She spoke about how the Zionist regime has confiscated more than 28,000 decares of land since October 7th, 2023. “Only a few days ago, the Zionist criminal regime confiscated 800 hectares of land in occupied Jordan.
“This is the biggest land theft since 1993. And for who? For the important colonisers from Brooklyn and L.A.”
The crowd chanted “Amman, Amman!” in solidarity with the protesters who are currently being actively suppressed by security forces in Amman, Jordan.
The protesters also expressed solidarity with Egyptians, Yemenis and Iraqis defending Gaza, while waving olive branches — a symbol of peace and considered precious in Palestine. The message was “land is ours and we will return within our lifetime. We will see the fall of Zionism”.

A march and Iftar was organised by Free Palestine Australia on March 30 on the Gold Coast. Non-Muslims fasted for the day in solidarity with Muslims marking Ramadan broke their fast together at sunset.
Mums For Palestine organised a sombre Good Friday march of around 60 people along the Anzac Remebrance Walk down to Bar Beach in Muloobinba/Newcastle on March 29, reports Niko Leka. Organsiers Megan Clarke and Ellen Al Muraibt said “We owe it to our own children to keep talking about Palestine”.

Fred Fuentes reports from Katoomba that 40-50 people gathered on March 27 to hear from speakers, including Western Sydney University professor Alana Lentin from the anti-Zionist Jewish collective Tzedek.
The march, organised by Mountains for Palestine, proceeded down the main street.







