Feminist Cabaret Resist

March 24, 1999

Feminist Cabaret Resist

By Karen Fletcher

BRISBANE The Resistance Centre hosted the second in its monthly series of political cabarets, Cabaret Resist, on March 19 — a special all-women line-up in honour of International Women's Day.

"This reminds me of the old 'Green It Up' nights I used to enjoy so much", said poet Bernadette Le Goullion, a veteran of the weekly Green Left fundraisers of the early to mid-'90s. "I hope people will continue to support it."

Folk musicians Maree Robertson and Rebecca performed two very popular sets, including music from Sweet Honey in the Rock, Judy Small and James Keelahan. Local singer/songwriter Sue Monk performed two songs she wrote about the lives of women who work in Brisbane factories.

Susie Wolfe performed four powerful but extremely witty songs, written by her partner Eric, including "Call me Baby, Baby", a funny but disturbing look at domestic violence, "Buy up Big", a jibe at consumer rip-offs, and "Love of a Woman", a celebration of "love without a man".

Poets Crystal Alexandrov, Sophie Jean and Bernadette Le Goullion, regular readers at West End's Café Bohemia, interspersed the musical sets with a rich array of feminist poetry. Primary school student Alana Severin regaled the audience with two trumpet solos.

The evening was a successful fundraiser for GLW and bodes well for the monthly gigs, scheduled for the third Friday of the month for the rest of the year.

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