Kay Moore, Lismore
Three-hundred women attended the 16th Network of Women Students Australia (NOWSA) conference on July 12-16. The conference discussed the impact of sexism, racism, homophobia and war on women.
Guest speakers at the conference included two women campaigners from East Timor, three women Balgoa elders from central Australia and Aleyshia Manning, who spoke on the issue of intersex and transgender women.
Palestinian activist and Socialist Alliance member Rihab Charida addressed the conference on the devastating impact the apartheid wall and Israeli militarism is having on women in Palestine. Charida told the conference that the fight for equality was at the heart of the Palestinian resistance and that until the Palestinians received it there would be no peace in the Middle East.
Rachel Evans from Community Action Against Homophobia outlined the homophobic attacks by the Coalition government on the queer, gay and lesbian community. The conference unanimously voted to oppose the attacks and to support CAAH's "Equal rights for same-sex couples" rally in Sydney on July 25.
Indigenous rights activist and Socialist Alliance member Kim Bullimore addressed the issues facing Indigenous women internationally. Bullimore outlined how the "war on terror" and neoliberal globalisation are impacting on indigenous women around the globe.
Sue Salthouse from Women with Disabilities Australia gave a compelling presentation outlining how women with disabilities have been locked out of the mainstream of society and government policy. The 2005 NOWSA conference will be held at Adelaide University.
From Green Left Weekly, July 21, 2004.
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