Forum: Truth Telling & Treaty

Conferences & public forums


6:00pm to 7:30pm Thursday 20 June


Fitzroy Town Hall
201 Naiper Street
Fitzroy VIC 3065


A Truth Telling & Treaty forum In conversation with Senator Lidia Thorpe, Uncle Gary Foley, Jim Everett-Puralia Meenamatta and Ngarra Murray from the First People's Assembly of Victoria.  

This event aims to provide an opportunity to hear from First Nations Elders and leaders about where to go from here on First Nations Justice. 

We will be discussing the importance of Truth Telling as the first step – looking at current developments, and what a national Truth Telling process would contribute. We will also discuss what genuine, inclusive Treaty processes would look like, from the grassroots to National & International levels. 

Treaty must be for the people, by the people. It has to come from the ground up, and each of us have a role to play in making it happen. 

WhenThursday June 20th at 6pm 

Where: Fitzroy Town Hall, 201 Napier St, Fitzroy VIC 3065

This event will be ticketed at $5-$10 to cover event cost, with free tickets to First Peoples. 

There will be an opportunity for audience members to ask questions to the panel, as well as networking following the event.

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