GEELONG — Some 200 people attended a public meeting on September 20 to discuss the impact of PM John Howard's industrial relations laws. ACTU president Sharan Burrow explained the federal government's agenda and its likely effect on unions and workers.
The meeting launched the Geelong Union Solidarity Committee and collected 100 names of those prepared to campaign to defend workers' rights. The committee aims to involve people not in unions, or currently unemployed, in the campaign to defend workplace rights. Retired unionists showed particular interest.
Simon Guthrie, a Geelong solicitor, explained how the new legislation will undermine civil rights. Michael Leahy, spokesperson for the Catholic Social Justice Committee, said that the Catholic Church is one of Australia's largest employers, and that it will not be implementing the new IR laws as they would conflict with Christian teachings.
Tim Gooden
From Green Left Weekly, September 28, 2005.
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