Kim Bullimore and Ben Courtice, Melbourne A motion by councillor Stephen Jolly for all City of Yarra council contract workers to have enterprise bargaining agreements (EBAs) rather than individual contracts (AWAs) failed to get up at the council's
James Caulfield The federal Coalition government has announced plans to allow employers to further exploit young workers and apprentices, just as SA Unions released a report showing many young workers on individual contracts already receive shoddy
Nick Everett, Canberra Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) members in the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) have voted overwhelmingly in favour of an offer by DEWR management for a new union certified agreement. This
The Body SnatchersBy Cyndi TebbelFinch Publishing, Sydney$25 REVIEW BY TAMARA PEARSON Don't you think the concept of "diet" Coke is really bizarre? This is the rationale of a junk-dominated food industry trying to profit at the same time as a
Dale Mills The leader of the Victorian Liberal opposition has proposed legislation that could land young people in prison for five years for the "crime" of hanging out at the local shopping mall. According to the September 20 Australian,
Barking MadWritten and produced by Maree RobertsonMelbourne, October 11-13; Castlemaine, October 13; Hamilton, October 14; Camperdown, October 15Email <barkingmadproject@yahoo.com.au> or phone 0427 122 608 for more information. REVIEW BY
MELBOURNE — On September 17, the National Coalition of Palestine Solidarity Groups met in Melbourne to discuss joint campaigns for the upcoming year. The coalition agreed to support the campaign to boycott Israeli products and the "Disinvest from
Pip Hinman Cameron Ayliffe, a third-year apprentice from North Lambton in Newcastle, was crushed by a scissor-lift on September 20. Rather than take him to the nearby John Hunter Hospital, he was told by John Holland management to rest in a site
Doug Lorimer In an interview broadcast on ABC TV's Lateline program on September 12, London-based Australian journalist and filmmaker John Pilger criticised PM John Howard's plans to introduce new, "tougher" anti-terrorism laws. "There are two
Dale Mills After US peace activist Scott Parkin was deported from Australia on September 15 for being a "threat to national security" many students he worked with at Sydney University are being put under surveillance. On September 15, Sydney
Hurricane Dubya "Congressional Republicans, backed by the White House, say they are using relief measures for the hurricane-ravaged Gulf coast to achieve a broad range of conservative economic and social policies, both in the storm zone and beyond
Zane Alcorn and Simon Butler, Newcastle Ask almost any resident here what they think about the rail line running along the harbour foreshore and prepare yourself for a lengthy, fervent conversation. Since the NSW Labor government first proposed the