As the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) appears less and less likely to get through the Senate , the Australian Greens say now it is time for real action on jobs creation and climate change.
The Labor government refused to negotiate with the Greens over its flawed scheme, which would give free pollution permits to the dirtiest industries. The Greens have said they will vote against it.
"The Greens oppose the CPRS as it would fail to protect the climate and fail to transform the economy into the zero emissions powerhouse it can and must become", Greens Senator Christine Milne said on May 26.
"The Continue Polluting Regardless Scheme would undermine the Copenhagen negotiations by giving other countries an excuse to lower their level of ambition."
The Greens say the government must now work with them in developing environmentally robust plans. They are campaigning for a gross feed-in tariff for renewable energy, forest protection, a huge boost to public transport and investment in energy efficiency.
Friends of the Earth has welcomed the likely death of the CPRS in the Senate. It "is a reprieve for the climate and an opportunity to put in place a real plan to cut global warming pollution", FOE climate justice coordinator Damien Lawson said on May 28.