@head = INDONESIA: Activists plan anti-globalisation conference
JAKARTA — Leaders of the struggle against neo-liberal globalisation here are preparing a major gathering of activists to discuss strategies to stop the imperialist onslaught on the Indonesian economy and people.
"The gathering", Kelik Ismunanto, a conference organiser told Green Left Weekly, "is not just for Indonesian activists. We are inviting activists from the region, the world even, to join the discussions."
The Asia Pacific People's Solidarity Conference, to be held in Jakarta, June 7-10, is being organised by Indonesian Centre for Reform and Social Emancipation (INCREASE), a new activist organisation of students, workers, peasant farmers, urban poor, artists and others.
"We are behind in coming to grips with the full nature of neo-liberalism and how to deal with it", said Ismunanto, a member of the INCREASE Board. "We hope that the discussions at the conference the experiences from other countries in the region will deepen our understanding."
Leaders from the progressive and labour movements from South Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines and East Timor will participate. Leaders of activist groups in India and Nepal have also been invited.
Anom Astika, the conference organising committee chairperson, is in Europe to invite activists in the anti-neoliberal globalisation movement there.
"We are glad to hear that there will be a large delegation from Australia", Ismunanto said. "We hope there is good attendance from activists in the First World because the movement in the First and Third Worlds must link up."
"We hope that a commitment will emerge to continue these gatherings. We really need greater coordination among progressives in the whole region. Australian activists must be involved as the upheavals in the region have an impact on it. Asia faces a situation where First World capital is on the offensive to increase its already massive privileges", Ismunanto said.
At least 10 Indonesian movement leaders will address the conference and scores more activists will present workshops.
"Well known leaders such as Budiman Sujatmiko, the head of the People's Democratic Party, and Dita Sari from the Indonesian National Front for Workers Struggle will speak.
"The conference is also being supported by the National Peasants Union, the National Students League for Democracy, the Popular Youth Movement and the Artistic Workers' Network.", Ismunanto said.
"We have an exciting radical and activist cultural scene here at the moment. Many of our protest actions have what we call 'the people's stage' and we will try to organise something like that for the conference.
"We have never before organised an international gathering like this and it will be a big challenge for our young activists. We need to do it, and there's a need for more such gatherings to strengthen the anti-imperialist movement here and around the region. The participation of workers', urban poor and peasant farmers' organisations will ensure that the conference discussions and resolutions will be taken up by the grass roots organisations", Ismunanto told Green Left Weekly.
Ismunanto added: "Cuba is taking the lead globally against capitalist globalisation with President Castro's call for the cancellation of the Third World debt, the abolition of the IMF and the World Bank, and a tax on international financial flows that is controlled by a financial institution under Third World control. We appeal to all those who can help explain the gains and achievements of the Cuban alternative to attend the conference."
Australian activists who wish to attend the Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference should contact Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET) via <asiet@asiet.org.au> or PO Box 458, Broadway NSW 2007. Contact INCREASE at <increase@indo.net.id>.
The conference fee, which includes registration, accommodation, three meals a day and conference materials, is A$450 (waged) or A$250 (unwaged). INCREASE urges people to register as soon as possible to help with the conference cash flow.