International news briefs — Argentina; Puerto Rico

June 7, 2000

International news briefs

Argentine unions protest IMF austerity

More than 80,000 people marched through Buenos Aires on May 31 to protest against a government economic austerity plan. Argentina's trade unions have called a one-day national strike for June 9.

Addressing the huge rally in front of Argentina's presidential palace, General Confederation of Labor leader Hugo Moyano declared: "Nothing will move in Argentina, not even the leaves on the trees" during the strike. Moyano urged the crowd to "derail the financial dictatorship" of the International Monetary Fund and to also refuse to pay taxes.

The demonstration took place a day after IMF economists arrived to review the government's budget and its accounts.

President Fernando de la Rua's austerity plan has been criticised by the conservative but powerful Catholic church leadership, which has attacked tax increases, reduced social spending and pay cuts for government employees in a bid to win badly needed loans from the IMF.

Women lead protests in Vieques

VIEQUES, Puerto Rico — A group of 26 demonstrators, led by women, broke into a restricted area used by the US Navy on the Vieques island on June 1 to protest against resumed bombing exercises. Spokesperson Lula Tirado said the detonation of explosives in eastern Vieques threatened the health of all Vieques residents.

"As Puerto Rican women, our consciences won't let us sleep peacefully while our island is being bombed and tortured", said Tirado. The US Navy is on land which belongs to the Puerto Rican people and the families of Vieques, she said.

Also present were pro-independence leader Lolita Lebron and environmental activist Tito "Kayak". The protesters spent two hours setting up black crosses to denounce the pollution and disease caused by the bombing before military personnel arrested them.

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